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Causal Hub

Swedemom Center of Giving provides specialized financial assistance to other nonprofits through the Swedemom LLC online sales platform. Our nonprofit partners collect donations of quality goods, sell them on the nationwide Swedemom platform, and become self-sustaining hubs that generate funds for their charitable programs.


We call that a “Causal Hub.”


Some Causal Hubs become “Community Hubs,” which pull other community nonprofit organizations into a network that helps all of the groups to raise needed funds.


Causal Hubs are full-service online thrift shops. Each of these SCOG partners has its own fully functional Hub program where it accepts donated items, performs all production work, and fulfills purchases through the SCOG system. Causal Hubs engage staff and volunteers to sort, jury, image, store, sell and ship its donated items. Causal Hubs receive full reports from SCOG along with sales proceeds, after allowance for SCOG fees.

Current Causal Hubs

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